Music Industry Tips teaches musicians, producers, and artists how to sell music, get music in film and TV, promote and marketing your music, and get the right exposure in order to get signed or make it as a successful independent artist or band.

Monday, February 8, 2010

MySpace Music Now Working With Audio Ads

Musicians be aware -

If losing your imeem playlist wasn't bad enough, myspace has started playing 30-second ads that started appearing last week when users listen to songs on artist profiles, album pages, playlists and pop-out players.

The ads are impossible to avoid, but the audio ads are timed. Users can listen to up to 100 songs on a playlist or to a full album with just a single interruption after the first song so maybe it isn't that bad.

As much as I hate myspace, musicians still need to be a part of it and its a major part of how you need to network online. You can't stop the ads from showing up, but make sure your music is organized properly so that when they do visit your page, your playlist and albums are organized for a easier user experience.

Think of it this way - ads are like the crazy ex who keeps showing up at your live events, you can't stop them from showing up... but you can make sure security knows so they don't bum rush the stage...

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